Un raro cuarteto de gemelos en el Reino Unido batió muchos récords

Britain’s Unique Identical Quartet and Their Record-Breaking Achievements

Britain’s Only Identical Quadruplets Take Their First Steps

At 18 months old, Ellie, Georgia, Jessica, and Holly Charles, who beat odds of 64 million to one to arrive, have left their health problems behind.

Dressed in jeans and t-shirts, the only identical quadruplets in the country are now ready to take their first steps and explore the big, wide world.

Their mother, Julie, 39, shared her thoughts, saying, “It’s amazing to think they have come this far and are walking by themselves. I look at them, and I think it’s just wonderful. I always wonder how they are going to learn to talk or ride a bike. But they surprise me every day.”

When Mrs. Charles, a former manager at a building firm, became pregnant without fertility treatment, she was determined to carry all the children despite the risks.


And when the girls were born last March, they were so tiny that the smallest, Jessica, weighed only 1lb 9oz.

After spending time in hospital incubators, the girls have thrived, even though they are still smaller than their age would suggest and wear clothes designed for babies aged nine to twelve months.

Mrs. Charles, who lives near Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, added, “Now that they are walking, they are into everything, and I have to have eyes in the back of my head.”


Her 34-year-old husband, Jose, chimed in, saying, “We wouldn’t be without them for the world.”

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